Don’t Be Afraid To Ask The Lender For Help
You don’t ever have to be afraid to ask your lender for help.
We know, trying new things can be scary and asking for help is hard. But as a broker, working with an alternative lender doesn’t have to one of them. This is especially true when you know it’s okay to ask your lender for help.
If you’re new to mortgage brokering, or just new to doing alternative deals, you may feel unsure of the process and requirements.
Don’t worry, you are definitely not alone. New brokers are entering the business on a regular basis, and we work with new brokers all of the time.
We want to see you succeed! As an alternative lender, your wins are our wins.
So, rather than fumble through, one of the best things you can do is ask your lender for help up front. Let them know it’s your first deal or even if you’re just a bit rusty. If we as lenders, know that you’re unfamiliar with the process, we can help you understand not only what we’re doing but why we’re doing it.
For the broker, it can often feel like a steep learning curve.
But not to worry, because for us as lenders, we see the benefits of establishing a relationship with brokers so that they’re comfortable working and dealing with us. Even if the file brings some new situations or challenges that the broker or the lender has never seen before, we’re happy to work through it together.
It really is a win-win for the broker and the lender.
So, if you’re feeling unsure and need some help, give the lending experts at Kokanee Mortgage a call. We have over 40 years of lending experience and are always more than willing to work with brokers and answer questions.